- He/she is invited from the IARIA conference committees' members, for a two year period
- He/she should be at the University professor level or Industrial senior scientist level
- He/she receives the list of selected and awarded papers from the IARIA logistics
- He/she distributes for reviewing the extended versions of the papers to the Editorial Board
- He/she synchronizes with the IARIA Journals Board Chair and IARIA Advisory Board Chair for logistics aspects
- He/she makes recommendations to the Editorial Board for accepted/rejected papers
- He/she coordinates with the IARIA logistics for the final on-line version
- He/she edits (or validate) the Preface and coordinates the editing of the Table of Content
- He/she can invite new members in the Editorial Board
- He/she can appoint Guest Editors
- He/she is expected to promote the journal to groups/lists/individuals
*) The Editor-in-Chief can delegate partial or all administrative duties to the IARIA logistics team. Consequently, only the preface and and the decision on the accept/reject are effective actions.
Editorial Advisory Board
- Members of the Editorial Advisory Board help the Editor-in-Chief on scientific/logistics decisions
- A member should be at the University professor level or Industrial senior scientist level
- Members help the Editor-in-Chief for assignation of the papers for review
- Members contribute with recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief for accepted/rejected papers
- Members can help in appointing Guest Editors
- Members are expected to promote the journal to groups/lists/individuals
Editorial Board
- He/she is invited from the IARIA conference committees' members or self-proposed, with no duration limit
- He/she should be at the University professor level or Industrial senior scientist level
- He/she will be asked to review a limited number of papers [around 4-5 papers per year]
- He/she can delegate a review to another expert, yet being responsible on the timely and accurately delivered reviews
- He/she can suggest to the Editor-in-Chief new Editorial Board members
- He/she will be asked to distribute the Call for Papers for the conferences feeding the journal content
- He/she is expected to promote the journal to groups/lists/individuals
Guest Editors
- He/she will be invited by the Editor-in-Chief from the Editorial Board
- He/she should be at the University professor level or Industrial senior scientist level
- He/she will cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief for a Special issue of a journal