Table of Contents, vol 12, no 1&2, year 2019

pages: 1 - 19
Joint demand regulation and capacity management for multi-cellular clusters - a Stochastic Meanfield Control Approach
Abheek Saha, Hughes Systique Corporation, India

pages: 20 - 29
Gaussian Tone Reservation Clipping and Filtering for PAPR Mitigation
Yves Louet, CentraleSupélec - IETR Lab., France
Jacques Palicot, CentraleSupélec - IETR Lab., France
Désiré Guel, Nokia Networks, France

pages: 30 - 39
Vehicular Visible Light Communication: An Integrated I2V2V2I Connected Car Concept
Manuel Augusto Vieira, CTS-UNINOVA-ISEL, Portugal
Manuela Vieira, CTS-UNINOVA_ISEL, Portugal
Paula Louro, CTS/UNINOVA-ISEL, Portugal
Pedro Vieira, IT-ISEL, Portugal

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