Table of Contents, vol 3, no 3&4, year 2010

Enhancing Law Modeling and Analysis: using BPR-Based and Goal-Oriented Frameworks
Komminist Weldemariam, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Adolfo Villafiorita, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Alberto Siena, Free University of Bolzano, Italy
Angelo Susi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy

Integrating Future High End Computing and Information Systems Using a Collaboration Framework Respecting Implementation, Legal Issues, and Security
Claus-Peter Ruckemann, Leibniz Universitat Hannover / Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance, Germany

ASPF: A Policy Administration Framework for Self-Protection of Large-Scale Systems
Ruan He, Orange Labs, France
Marc Lacoste, Orange Labs, France
Jean Leneutre, Telecom ParisTech, France

Workshop-based Security Safeguard Selection with AURUM
Thomas Neubauer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Markus Pehn, SBA Research, Austria

An Holistic Approach to Public/Private�Key Based Security in Locator/Identifier�Split Architectures
Oliver Hanka, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
Wolfgang Fritz, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany

Security Capacity of the Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault
Johannes Merkle, secunet Security Networks AG, Germany
Matthias Niesing, secunet Security Networks AG, Germany
Michael Schwaiger, secunet Security Networks AG, Germany
Heinrich Ihmor, Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Germany
Ulrike Korte, Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Germany

Security for the Smart Grid � Enhancing IEC 62351 to Improve Security in Energy Automation Control
Steffen Fries, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany
Hans-Joachim Hof, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany
Thierry Dufaure, Siemens AG, Energy Automation, Germany
Maik Seewald, Cisco Systems, Germany

An Evaluation of BOF4WSS and the Security Negotiations Model and Tool used to Support it
Jason R.C. Nurse, University of Warwick, UK
Jane E. Sinclair, University of Warwick, UK

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