Table of Contents, vol 3, no 1&2, year 2010
Collision Reduction in Cognitive Wireless Local Area Network over Fibre
Haoming Li, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Alireza Attar, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Victor C. M. Leung, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Qixiang Pang, General Dynamics Canada, Canada
On Optimization of Wireless Mesh Networks using Genetic Algorithms
Rastin Pries, University of Wurzburg, Germany
Dirk Staehle, University of Wurzburg, Germany
Barbara Staehle, University of Wurzburg, Germany
Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of Wurzburg, Germany
The design and implementation of the Cyclic Scheduling Algorithm: A multi-channel MAC protocol
Mthulisi Velempini, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Mqhele. E. Dlodlo, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Service area deployment of IEEE 802.16j wireless relay networks: service area coverage, energy consumption, and resource utilization efficiency
Shoichi Takemori, Osaka University, Japan
Go Hasegawa, Osaka University, Japan
Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Hirotaka Nakano, Osaka University, Japan
MIMO Capacity of Wireless Mesh Networks
Sebastian Max, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Bernhard Walke, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Behind-the-Scenes of IEEE 802.11a based Multi-Radio Mesh Networks: A Measurement driven Evaluation of Inter-Channel Interference
Sebastian Robitzsch, University College Dublin, Ireland
John Fitzpatrick, University College Dublin, Ireland
Sean Murphy, University College Dublin, Ireland
Liam Murphy, University College Dublin, Ireland
IEEE 802.16 Wireless Mesh Networks Capacity Assessment Using Collision Domains
Rafal Krenz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Simulation of Multihop Energy-Aware Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Adrian Fr. Kacso, University of Siegen, Germany
TeraPaths: End-to-End Network Resource Scheduling in High-Impact Network Domains
Dimitrios Katramatos, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Xin Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Kunal Shroff, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Dantong Yu, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Shawn McKee, University of Michigan, USA
Thomas Robertazzi, Stony Brook University, USA
State of the Art and Innovative Communications and Networking Solutions for a Reliable and Efficient Interplanetary Internet
Giuseppe Araniti, University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Igor Bisio, University of Genoa, Italy
Mauro De Sanctis, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy
Circuit Analysis and Simulations through Internet
Jiri Hospodka, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Jan Bicak, ASICentrum, Czech Republic
Performance Analysis of Scheduling and Dropping Policies in Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks
Vasco N. G. J. Soares, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Farid Farahmand, Sonoma State University, USA
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Cost-Optimal and Cost-Aware Tree-Based Explicit Multicast Routing
Miklos Molnar, LIRMM, France
Comparison of Packet Switch Architectures and Pacing Algorithms for Very Small Optical RAM
Onur Alparslan, Osaka University, Japan
Shin-ichi Arakawa, Osaka University, Japan
Masayuki Murata, Osaka University, Japan
On Designing Semantic Lexicon-Based Architectures for Web Information Retrieval
Vincenzo Di Lecce, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Marco Calabrese, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Domenico Soldo, myHermes S.r.l., Italy
download vol 3, no 1&2, year 2010