Table of Contents, vol 12, no 3&4, year 2019

pages: 61 - 75
Blockchain and Image Processing to Reinforce Provenance in the Narrative of a Handwoven Carpet
Amirhossein Roshanzamir, Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences, University of Bradford, UK
Vishanth Weerakkhody, Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences, University of Bradford, UK
Nripendra Rana, Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences, University of Bradford, UK
Mohammad Rahmati, Department of Computer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Mehdi Shajari, Department of Computer Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

pages: 76 - 85
Web-based Visualization of Daily Mobility Patterns in R
Antje von Schmidt, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Transport Research, Germany
Rita Cyganski, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Transport Research, Germany
Matthias Heinrichs, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Transport Research, Germany

pages: 86 - 95
How Social Media Factors Influence User's Travel Purchase Intention
Stavros Kaperonis, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece

pages: 96 - 108
Digital Adoption Strategy: A Public Sector Ecosystem
Samantha Papavasiliou, University of Adelaide, Australia
Carmen Reaiche, University of Adelaide, Australia

pages: 109 - 121
Smart Shopping Cart Learning Agents
Dilyana Budakova, Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Lyudmil Dakovski, European Polytechnic University, Bulgaria
Veselka Petrova-Dimitrova, Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, Bulgaria

pages: 122 - 132
Performance Catalogs for Just-In-Time Delivery of Web-based Natural Language Processing Services
Soheila Sahami, University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Eckart, University of Leipzig, Germany

download vol 12, no 3&4, year 2019

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